Please check your Loyalty code email for details including minimum spend, expiry date and exclusions as this may vary from offer to offer.
General Terms and Conditions for Loyalty codes (welcome/renewal/promotion):
- Loyalty Gift codes are only redeemable on Please see below for exclusions.
- Loyalty Gift codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts (including other codes) or exchanged for cash.
- Loyalty Gift codes cannot be used for purchases with a total value that is lower than the value of the voucher. The sum total of the purchase, after the voucher is applied and before shipping must exceed $150. Orders below this value will not be able to be processed and will get cancelled.
- Each code is only redeemable once and is applied to eligible items in the order and linked directly to your email address.
- Codes cannot be gifted or transferred.
- The Gift code is only valid for 3 months after the issue date.
- We are unable to reissue if the order or items are returned or if part of the order is cancelled.
- For orders containing multiple items - The discount is split between the items so that the discount share per item remains the same for all items in the order. The respective reduction of the individual items of a purchase remains, even if some items of the purchase are returned. The discount advantage of the loyalty voucher/code will not be redistributed to the remaining items of the order in case of a return.
- The Loyalty Gift code cannot be applied retrospectively or to past purchases.
- Sale / Offer items are excluded
- This offer cannot be redeemed against Gift Boxes or Delivery Costs.
- In the case of a return, the discount advantage received through the Loyalty code (value of the voucher) expires.
- Only the amount paid for the item(s) will be refunded, not the savings from the loyalty code.
- We are unable to reissue the code if the order or items are returned or if part of the order is cancelled.
Please ensure you have updated your birthday on your Kurt Geiger account.
Your gift will be emailed on your birthday but to ensure you receive this, please ensure your birthday has been entered into your account information at least 7 days before the date.
Birthday Code - Terms & Conditions:
- You must log into your online account to redeem the code.
- Loyalty customers will be emailed a $30 code once a year on or around their registered birthday
- Minimum spend $150
- The Gift code is valid on full-price items only and cannot be used on items that are in sale/offers.
- The Gift code can only be used online at
- The Gift code is only redeemable once and linked directly to your Loyalty Level and email address.
- Offer excludes purchases of gift cards or gift boxes.
- Your Loyalty Gift Code cannot be exchanged for cash or used for purchases with a total value that is lower than the value of the gift
- The Gift code is valid for 3 months
- We are only able to issue birthday codes for birthdays in the future and are unable to backdate these or apply them retrospectively
- Only one birthday gift will be sent per customer in a 365-day period.
An Exclusive Gift For You - Terms & Conditions
Devotee and Ambassador customers will have the opportunity to claim a free gift with their purchase over $100 from the 16th of December.
- This offer is exclusive to Loyalty Level 2 and 3 customers only. Customers must have achieved Loyalty Level 2 and/or 3 status prior to the start date of the promotion to qualify.
- Loyalty members must be logged into the website to redeem this offer.
- The free gift will be a quilted leather A5 lined notebook personalized with our iconic eagle head.
- Limited stock is available; the offer is valid while supplies last.
- The free gift is limited to one per Loyalty Level 3 customer.
- The free gift promotion applies only to purchases made over $100 on from December 16th onwards.
- This promotion is not available on the Kurt Geiger app.
- $100 minimum spend must be reached to qualify for the free gift. If the threshold is not met then the free gift offer will be removed at checkout.
- To claim the free gift, customers must select it as a product option at checkout before completing their order. If the gift is not selected at the time of checkout, it cannot be applied retroactively.
Kurt Geiger will endeavor to maintain a reasonable stock of free gifts. Once all free gifts have been redeemed, the option to select the free gift will no longer be available at checkout. - The free gift will be shipped along with the main order.
- The offer does not apply to previous purchases.
- The free gift offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other Loyalty or promotional codes.
- The free gift cannot be returned, exchanged, or substituted for any other product, cash, or credit.
- Free gifts are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to stock availability.
- Kurt Geiger reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.