Due to Public Holidays and courier restrictions, deliveries on the following days are not available in 2025.
Please note, other Federal and regional holidays may differ state-by-state. Please check your FedEx tracking for real time updates.
Date | Day of Week | Holiday Name |
January 1 | Wednesday | New Year’s Day |
January 20 | Monday | Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. |
February 17 | Monday | Washington’s Birthday (aka Presidents Day) |
May 26 | Monday | Memorial Day |
June 19 | Thursday | Juneteenth National Independence Day |
July 4 | Friday | Independence Day |
September 1 | Monday | Labor Day |
October 13 | Monday | Columbus Day |
November 11 | Thursday | Veterans Day |
November 27 | Thursday | Thanksgiving Day |
December 25 | Thursday | Christmas Day |
Please allow an extra business day for Standard and Express Delivery services on these days.